

Rose C. Palermo

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Portugal Denies Visa to Leader In Revolution

Major Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, invited to speak at Harvard by the Center for European Studies (CES) and also by

Soccer Boils Over With New England Tea Men

After its many futile attempts to establish itself in New England, soccer finally seems to be here to stay. The

Horner, Bok Appoint Bailey To Direct Women's Institute

President Horner and President Bok said yesterday they have appointed Susan Bailey director of the Office of Institutional Policy Research

Master and Tutors Will Seek More South House Security

As a protection measure for South House residents, a forum on crime prevention will be held by the Crime Prevention

Mayor Vellucci Urges Order Condemning Racism By Police

Cambridge Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci instructed the Cambridge City Council Monday night to issue a statement "condemning racism in any

Mather and Quad Will Receive More Shuttle Service

In response to numerous complaints from Quad and Mather House residents, shuttle bus service will be extended starting today, with

Mather Crash

A Mather House student helped Cambridge and Harvard University Police apprehend a fleeing Cambridge 16-year old youth who allegedly drove
