

A. G. Cable.

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Seniors Urged to Attend Game

The Senior team plays the last game of its season today. All men in the class who can do so

Cheering for Team in Square at 12.55

The football team will leave the Square at 1.10 o'clock. Every man that can possibly do so should be there

Senior Class Meeting at 7.20

There will be a meeting of the Senior class in Lower Massachusetts this evening at 7.20 o'clock. The question of

Senior Football Material Needed

More men are needed for the Senior football team. Yesterday there were hardly enough men on hand to make up

Junior Dinner Committee Appointed

The following men have been appointed to the Junior Dinner Committee: H. B. Barton, chairman, J. C. Craft, L. L.

Additional Assignment of Rooms

An additional assignment of those rooms in Hollis and Stoughton which were not allotted at the regular assignment last week

1909 Yard Room Applications

The Junior class is reminded that all applications for rooms in Hollis, Holworthy and Stoughton for next year must be

Junior Class Meeting Tonight

There will be a meeting of the Junior class this evening at 7.15 o'clock in Lower Massachusetts to explain and

Junior Class Meeting Next Tuesday

There will be a meeting of the Junior Class on Tuesday, January 21, at 7.15 o'clock in Lower Massachusetts. The
