

Harry Litman

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Vorenberg Pleased With New Position At the Law School

"I guess I see my role as being catalytic, working with members of the faculty to try to anticipate the

Several Study Cards Lost In Registrar Office Shuffle

Officials at the Office of the Registrar recently discovered they have misplaced at least 15 study cards, but were too

Sissela Bok to Give Four Lectures On Telling the Truth

Sissela Bok, lecturer on medical ethics at the Medical School, will speak about "the ethical dimensions of truthfulness and lying"

Instructor of Dudley Seminar Admits All Course Applicants

When eighty students showed up last week at the first meeting of Dudley 108--a House seminar on "Thinking Like A

Scientists Construct New Device for Sun Research

A group of Harvard scientists--working under a $280,000 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration--has constructed a new device

Celts Crash; Wales Wins

It's the same old song night after night for the Boston Celtics this year--only the opponents and the scores change.

Jessup Court Will Convene

The final round of the Jessup Moot Court Competition will take place tomorrow night from 8 to 10 p.m. in

Researchers Request More Funds

Francis D. Moore '35, Cutler Professor of Surgery, and Seymour S. Kety, professor of Psychiatry, went with nine other prominent

Sanders In, Heinsohn Out As Celtics' Head Coach

The Boston Celtics yesterday named former Harvard basketball coach Tom "Satch" Sanders to replace Tom Heinsohn as head coach. Sanders
