

Gregory M. Daniels

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A Lime and a Pumpkin

C OMPARING MIKE ROYKO and Andy Rooney is like comparing a lime to a pumpkin. A lime is a sophisticated

PEOPLE, Not People Like You

Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, thus painted child of dirt that stinks and stings; whose buzz

Song and Dance

T HE ONLY MEASURE OF SUCCESS for a musical comedy is the amount of fun the cast can transmit to

Legal Ease

W HILE REPORTERS from society pages nationwide, slavering at a whiff of Ivy League mystique, joined the herd of pompous

The Poetry of Duality

S AVAGE/LOVE at the Nucleo Eclettico theater is modern love poetry set to music, set to an actor and actress,

Blood in the City Streets

I N THE RARIFIED CULTURAL ATMOSPHERE of Cambridge, it is hard to praise a street movie like 48 Hours. You
