Rustin C. Silverstein
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The Eclipse of the Campus Superstar
The start of the Undergraduate Council presidential and vice presidential campaigns has the whole campus talking--although few are discussing the
Why We Care About The Game
So this is what it's like to lose. It's a new experience for every undergraduate here (with the exception of
Choose Your Apathy Wisely
Another round of elections have passed, both at Harvard and around the country, and in their wake have come the
The Prestige Paradox
Bob graduated summa cum laude from Harvard with a degree in economics. Four years later, he graduated from Yale Law
News Through the Looking Glass
Reading the newspaper these days is like Alice peering at the looking glass. Nothing is as it once seemed. Up
Trapped in a National Nightmare
It's time we admit it. This dog just won't wag. I didn't want to write about Monica Lewinsky today. Like
B ob Hope is lucky to be alive. In addition to recently celebrating his ninety-fifth birthday, Hope was able to
Summer Amusement
Despite what we think, the world does not stop as we head into the time warp known as reading period.
Fleeing the Hill
Like passengers scrambling for lifeboats on the Titanic, congressional representatives can't seem to get out fast enough these days. Recently,
A Paula Jones Postmortem
For once, an Arkansas woman from Bill Clinton's past has surfaced and actually brought him good news. On Wednesday, Federal
Revering Ronnie
For most of us now in college, Ronald Reagan was president during our formative years. He was the first president
Mining for Meaning
I 've always suspected that dentists and child psychiatrists were behind the Halloween craze with its manic encouragement of candy-eating
Snoozing Through the Circus
N ew Yorkers have gotten spoiled. After years of being entertained by colorful political escapades, they have become as apathetic
The Dark Days
The Golden Governors have hit the skids. Just a few years ago, the triumvirate of Governors William F. Weld '66
A Horse of a Different Color
A boy blinds six horses with a metal spike. Shocking? Yes. Disgusting? No doubt. Lock the boy up and throw