

George G. Daniels

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The Moviegoer

Ever since the first producer discovered it was bad business to hurt people's feelings, movie-making has been an industry in

The Moviegoer

Ever since the first hero lumbered off into the sunset carrying the swag in one hand and the heroine in

The Moviegoer

This Thanksgiving, in tribute to a grand old institution, 20th Century Fox had handed movie audiences the biggest turkey of

Riotous Crimson Partisans Rip Up Goalposts, Yale Men

After it was finally over, when all the scoreboard lights went out except those that said, Harvard 20--Yale 7, an

Station West

If Dore Schary is contemplating revenge for the rough handling he got from RKO's crusty new boss, Howard Hughes, he

Four Faces West

Westerns, like Mayor Curley and The Great Stone Face, should never change. Each is an indestructible commodity unique to this

College Ballots Can Sway Cambridge Election as Veterans Get Franchise

With a voting potential of 9000 ballots casting its shadow over the Cambridge electorate, veteran-swollen Harvard may well prove a
