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Second Nine Notice.

The following men report to me at 8 o'clock in the University dressing room of the Locker Building: Clark, Lovering,

Second Nine Notice.

The following men report to me at 2.30 o'clock in the University dressing room of the Locker Building: Clark, Winsor,

Leiter Cup Meeting.

There will be a meeting in Lower Massachusetts tonight at 7.15 o'clock to outline the plans for the Leiter cup

Baseball Notice.

Baseball practice today at regular hours.

Baseball Notice.

Men on all the baseball squads must report at the cage at their regular hours today.

Baseball Notice.

Men on all the baseball squads must report at the cage at their regular hour today.

Baseball Meeting.

There will be a meeting of all men in the University, including Freshmen, intending to play baseball this spring, in

Senior Class.

Every Senior should make it his special duty to support his team in the class game this afternoon. The band

Baseball Notice.

Men on all the baseball squads are to report at their regular times on Friday and Saturday. All men, especially

Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball will begin today and continue as long as the weather permits. All men, especially Freshmen, who are not

Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball will begin on Tuesday, October 1, and continue as long as the weather permits. All men, especially Freshmen,

Meeting of Union Officers.

The meeting of the officers, trustees and committeemen of the Harvard Union will be held on Wednesday evening, May 22,

Baseball Notice.

Baseball practice today at regular hours.
