

Michael F. P. dorning

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University Police Chief Leaves for Vanderbilt Post

The University's director of police and security has decided to leave Harvard to head Vanderbilt University's security operation. Saul I.

Harvard Halts Food Talks; Requests Federal Mediator

Harvard's chief labor negotiator has cancelled the opening session talks to renew food service workers' contract with the University due

Around the Negotiating Table

When food service workers union boss Domenic M. Bozzotto sits down to negotiate with Harvard, he faces someone whose personal

Three Slow Boats That Never Arrive

E UGENE KENNEDY is a professor at Chicago's Loyola University and a biographer of the city's late political boss, Richard

Food Workers Plan for Contract Talks

With all four of the University's unions scheduled to renegotiate their contracts this year, Harvard's most prominent union last night

In the Minority

At least on the surface, Muhammad I. Kenyatta is a man of contradictions. He is 38 years old and a

Harvard's Graduate Schools

About a month ago, one Law School professor circulated a memo claiming that there was a bitter split among faculty

Dean, Students May Agree On Minority Plan Consideration

Law School Dean James D. Vorenberg '49 yesterday offered representatives of a coalition of minority student organizations a compromise proposal

Fellowships Commemorate Deceased Law School Student

The father of a law school student who died last month has established a fellowship in his son's memory for

An Affirmative Response

THE LAW SCHOOL faculty quietly voted last week not to respond to an affirmative action plan that the Harvard Law

CARP Recruiting Members at College

A national student group founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church, is recruiting members for

Law Review Backs Minorities Strategy

The editors of the Harvard Law Review voted 42-39 yesterday to incorporate some form of "race conscious" affirmative action plan

Review to Consider New Minority Plan

A Law Review committee has recommended an affirmative action plan that elects some editors to the prestigious law journal partly
