

Joel Raphaelson

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The first time you go into University Hall notice the large, round wooden frameworks that look like port-holes in the

The Crimson Bookshelf

A Mencken Chrestomathy, by H. L. Mencken edited and annotated by the author, Alfred A. Knont New York, 1949, 527

Superficial View Of Yaleman Who Co-founded Time

The sub-title of this book is only fifty percent accurate. It says that Briton Hadden was the co-founder of 'Time.'

The Circusgoer

This newspaper is looking around for a man who has a childlike sense of humor and who feels indiscriminate affection

Undergraduate Passes Examination

Dick Rosen got a C-plus in the hour examination given in Social Relations 114 on March 25. Only there is

From the Pit

A somewhat cestatic review of "South Pacific" appeared in these columns last Wednesday, and over since this department has been

The Playgoer

Between acts last night I jotted the following onto my program: "If you'll excuse an expression I use, I'm in

Off The Cuff

Presently the philosophy Department will investigate me to find out what I have learned in Philosophy 75 these last four

Off The Cuff -:-

You find all sorts of interesting things if you keep your eyes open. That's what people say, but eagle-eyed as

Off The Cuff

Back a few weeks I said that there were too few telephone lines in the Radcliffe and Wellesley dormitories. Since

Off The Cuff

Just after the election a group of Harvard's young liberals had a bull-session on the probable causes and effects of

Off The Cuff

A letter came Thursday from a Radcliffe girl called Anabel Handy who was angry about a review of Signature that


There are five stories in Signature's fall issue, and four poems, and you can find in them some of the

Off The Cuff

T here is supposed to be a man who gets $100 and up a day by betting anyone he meets

Off The Cuff

The poll the Crimson took last week turned out, like all polls, to be irresistible to the College's humorists, who
