

Richard L. Callan

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Soccer, Spectacle, and Drama

It was a week of sunny days, spectacle and drama. Teams from all over the world converged on Cambridge to

Sakharov Relatives Address Crowd at Film About Dissident

"The West has, in effect, allowed the Soviet Union to ignore their human rights obligations," stated Tatiana Yankelevich, step daughter

Crew Team Races Dragon Boats in Hong Kong

In a change of scene, the Harvard light-weight crew spent about 24 hours together in an airplane last week. The

Widener Collection Documents Culture

Stashed along with Widener's dusty tomes is a unique collection of literature which contains few written words--the Milman Parry Collection

Professors sit on political sidelines

H arvard faculty members have traditionally lent their support to political candidates in a variety of ways. some have put

The Far Eastern sprints

T he Harvard lightweight crews are on their way to Hong Kong, but there may not be any Scorpion Bowls

Forbes, Cox Bid Farewell

"The whole thing works out into rather a miracle," Elliot Forbes '41 said yesterday of the Beethoven string quartet Op.

100 Years of Solitude

The John Harvard statue has been painted green and blue snowed on and sat on, covered with banners and regularly

Students Take City Youths Outdoors

Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m., a van rolled to a stop near the West Cambridge Teen Center. Six teenagers jumped

Gay Students Encounter Harassment

The Mather House Committee last night discussed what to do about the repeated removal and destruction of posters put up
