

Stephen L. Seftenberg

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Bulldog Soccer Team Tops Crimson on Wet Field, 1-0

Yale shut out the varsity soccer team, 1 to 0, yesterday afternoon on a rain-soaked Business School field, to win

Soccer Team Upsets Tigers, 3-2, on Fisher's Two Goals

PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 6--Dick Fisher, a substitute forward, kicked in the lying and winning goals to give the varsity soccer

Crimson Soccer Squad to Battle Princeton Today

RINCETON, N.J., Nov. 6, An underdog Crimson soccer team, which may nevertheless be on the way to its best season

Soccer Team Gains 5 to 1 Win Over Strong Amherst

The varsity soccer team surprised a reputedly strong Amherst team Saturday with a decisive 5 to 1 victory on the

Wesleyan Defeats Crimson With Passing Attack, 2-0

Wesleyan's strong soccer team, utilizing its short passing game to advantage, spoiled the varsity's opener Saturday, 2 to 0, at


In sports, bench strength is the measure of a winner. In this Saturday's opener with Wesleyan, varsity soccer coach Bruce

Northeastern Tops Crimson 5-3; Nine Drops 11th Game

Northeastern got hits when they were needed; the varsity baseball team did not; so the Crimson dropped its 11th game

Crimson, JV, Yardling Light Crews Compete for Eastern Championship

The 155-pound varsity crew left this morning for Princeton, N.J., to compete with 11 other colleges for the Eastern Intercollegiate

Tiger Lightweights Win Cup But MIT Boat Finishes First

Princeton, although finishing second behind M.I.T., beat the varsity and Yale lightweight crews Saturday in the Basin to retain the

McCarthy-Stevens Arouse Faculty Comment

The McCarthy-Stevens controversy has "turned the sword" upon the Republican Party, according to Arthur M. Schlesinger, Francis Lee Higginson Professor

Widener Roosevelt Library: A Useful Monument

Since 1943, Widener Library has housed the world's largest collection of biographical material in one place on one man. Its

Lowell House and Yard Will Lose Maids in Fall

Lowell House and all freshman dormitories will lose their maid service next fall, Edward R. Reynolds '15, Administrative Vice President,

Middies Beat Varsity Five In Tight Blockhouse Clash

Harry Sacks' second half foul shooting, brilliant defensive play by Ed Krinsky and Ed Condon, and last second heroics by
