

Lucy I. Armstrong

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Luxury Hotel Will Open In Square

Though the cement dust has barely settled on what will be the lobby of the new Charles Hotel, its developers

Police Blotter

A mislighted fire last night filled Leverett House B with smoke and sent residents scurrying into McKinlock courtyard at 3:0

Emigrant Workers

B ORED WITH the prospect of the usual hometown summer job--but put off by the price of a European grand

When 'Old' Becomes 'New'

No one calls it "used" clothing anymore. The styles your parents were giving to the Salvation Army 20 years ago

Police Testimony Hurts Prosecution In Sixth Day of Big Dan's Rape Trial

A New Bedford police officer yesterday testified that the victim of an alleged gang rape took him to Big Dan's

Gould Treasures

A gassiz Professor of Geology Steven J. Gould appeared on the cover of News-week in 1982, but only one Harvard

Harvard, Widow Mourn Murdered Filipino Leader

The widow of slain Filipino senator Benigno S. Aquino came to Cambridge yesterday to attend a memorial service for her
