

H. F. K.

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The Crimson Playgoer

With a cast including Jimmy Durante, Marjorie Rambeau, Lupe Velez and Mary Carlisle, one would expect "Palooka" to be a

The Crimson Playgoer

If you are as sick to death with the sex lives of highly polished morons as is the present reviewer,

The Crimson Playgoer

If the criterion by which the success of a play is to be judged is the degree to which it


The fundamental morbidity of the German people and their fondness for seeing it portrayed in literature and drama is strikingly


Hunter  Donald Randolph Philip Savilla  Stiano Braggiotti Betty Findon  Daphne Wilson Colin Derwent  Bramwell Fletcher Sir Miles Standing  Oswald Yorke Inspector Pember  Reynolds Denniston Sergeant Brace  Leslie


In a rather facetious critical mood Mr. George Jean Nathan once observed that American high comedy failed because when one


Like Anthony Trollope, Edgar Wallace was a most workmanlike practitioner of literature. Unfortunately, Mr. Wallace's work bears more evidence of

The Crimson Playgoer

Lt. Stevens  George Brent Lon Winters  Margaret Lindsay Anderzian  Robert Barrat Sgt. Hoggs  Engene Pallette If you are inclined toward mystery movies, you will

The Crimson Playgoer

Sooner or later all European authors of note visit America, then return home and wax literary about what they have
