

W. T. Reid jr.

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Football Notice.

There are in this University, more able bodied, heavy men suitable for line positions on the football team than have

Football Notice.

There are in this University, more able bodied, heavy men suitable for line positions on the football team than have

Baseball Notice.

The candidates for the baseball teams have been divided into four squads--battery, University, general and Freshman squads. For the present,

Baseball Notice.

There will be a meeting of all men intending to try for any of the baseball teams this spring, tomorrow

From Captain Reid

As captain, and for the team, I want to express my hearty appreciation of the loyal way in which the

University Baseball.

The University squad, which, for the time being, will consist of the following men, will begin work this afternoon at

Baseball Notice.

Everyman in the University who intends to try for the University, Freshman, class and scrub teams this year, whether they

Baseball Notice

As the College work of some of the players has been found to interfere with their playing, a change in

Baseball Notice

Until further notice the 3.30 squad, including Ware and Schwill, will report at that time on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Baseball Notice.

Notwithstanding the large number of candidates who handed in their names on Friday, there are surely more men in the

Baseball Notice.

Notwithstanding the large number of candidates who handed in their names last night, there are surely more men in the
