

Frances T. Ruml

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Paradise Found

W HILE PRINCESS IDA is justifiably one of Gilbert and Sullivan's least popular and least well-known operettas-neither Darwinism nor higher

A King's Madness

D ESPITE several glaring faults, Theater Works' King Lear succeeds. The acting is strong, the pace appropriate, and the technical

Poor Alice

H AD ALICE James not been born into the family of intellectuals that she was her life would be of

Too Measured

M EASURE FOR MEASURE was Shakespeare's last real comedy, and in it, Shakespeare is often seen to have lost his

Superficial Reflections

N OEL COWARD'S Design for Living, as it is now performed by the Huntington Theater Company, shines and glistens, amuses

Petrified History

I N DEFENSE OF his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, which had offended Victorian moral sensibilities Oscar Wilde wrote

Bringing Up Baby

HORROR AND HYSTERIA are the recurring keynotes in Christopher Durang's Baby with the Buthwater: like his Sister Mary Ignatius Explains

Fool Me Twice

T HE STING II bears virtually no resemblance to the original. so the use of that title to draw in
