

Melissa L. Franke

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Enzyme Inhibitor Drug Offers Hope For Diabetes Sufferers

Diabetic patients are one step closer to avoiding related heart, kidney and eye complications, thanks to the combined efforts of

Technology Showcase Highlights Latest Products

The Technology Showcase, located in room 119 of the Science Center, is a multimedia haven available to all students at

John Perry Barlow Discusses Computer-Age Law

"If you don't have law, ethics will arise to take its place, and if you have law, ethics will tend

Harvard Pre-Meds Say Summer Job Search Not as Stressful as Believed

On its page on the World Wide Web, the Harvard Medical School (HMS) characterizes its students as those who "bring

UMass Offers Five Percent Tuition Cut

University of Massachusetts students will have a little extra spending money next fall. In an effort to keep higher education
