

John P. Oconnor

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Drawing Power From the People

Before I formally threw my hat into the 8th Congressional District race, an old friend from my labor organizing days


he says. It was degrading, I had never seen myself as a hero. My father--with the best will in the

Updike's Toil and Trouble

I T IS WITH a certain mixture of dread and excitement that one finds John Updike undertaking the material of

Boyish Heroics

S TRATIS HAVIARAS brings to The Heroic Age the lyrical style, eye for the visual, and economic approach of a

Universal Love Story

T HE ONLY PROBLEM with Patrick Bradford production of A Raisin in the Sun stems not from the staring which

Journey of the Damned

A BOUT HALFWAY THROUGH The Paper Men, Nobel laureate William Golding's latest novel, the protagonist, the footloose novelist Wilfred Barclay,

Village Idiots

D OES ANY HARVARD STUDENT wish with exams fast approaching for fee a comedy thought a town whose inhabitant are

The Brilliant Irony of Levity

M ILAN KUNDERA SEEMS to have the best interests of his readers at heart. He begins The Unbearable Lightness of

Talk of the Town

I N HIS NEW BIOGRAPHY of E.B. White, author Scott Elledge reports a remark about White which the poet Adrienne
