

Lawrence J. Davis

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Seniors, Faculty Pick Orators For Commencement, Class Day

Robert C. Spring '84 will get an opportunity this June 7 to tell all of Harvard how concerned he is

Dershowitz Modifies Role In Von Bulow Defense

Harvard Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz, who argued Claus von Bulow's successful appeal against a 1982 attempted murder conviction,

Senator Kennedy Donates $200 To Send Rugby Club to Finals

Senator Edward M. Kennedy '54 will donate $200 to help fly the Harvard Rugby Football Club to the national intercollegiate

Truman Aides Reminisce in IOP Panel

Three former members of President Harry S. Truman's cabinet and staff and a Truman biographer last night traded personal impressions

Square Group Offers Refugees a Home

A Harvard Square church group may soon provide a home for Central Americans seeking refuge in the United States from

Sevareid Praises Free Press In Address to 200 at Forum

Emphasizing that America needs to protect its "precious shield" of freedom of the press, Eric Sevareid, consultant and Senior Broadcaster

Outdoor Track Returns to Harvard

Outdoor track and field has returned to Harvard. The Crimson men's and women's tracksters strode against Northeastern on Saturday. Opening

Social Studies Drops Generals, Will Expand Senior Oral Exam

The Committee on Degrees in Social Studies this week officially announced its decision to eliminate the written junior general examination,
