

Kathleen I. Kouril

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Making Black American Films

F or Black artists the American Dream has always presented a complicated dilemma: should one aim to be an artist,

The Politics Of Feminism

E lizabeth Einaudi, 1983 class marshall and Leverett House senior, says the best thing about her Harvard experience has been

Too Many Cooks

S OMEWHERE BACK in the dark recesses of Americana, in the tradition of Cotton Mather, Huckleberry Finn and Norman Rockwell,

Telling the Infinite Story

T here comes a moment in life, perhaps more than one, when it is possible to detect a subtle understanding,

A Courageous Attempt

N O ONE EVER said staging a play by Bertolt Brecht would be anything but demanding. Perhaps it's the lure

Peggy's Pirouette

M ARGARET HECKLER'S recent turnaround on the "Squeal Rule" attracted a lot of attention. As a Republican Congresswoman from Massachusetts,

More Sugar Needed

ELAINE KOURY KNOWS a lot about theater fundraising and promotion. She could show the American Repertory Theater's Robert Brustein a

Punk Fluff With Spikes

THE film opens to the familiar beat of new wave pop and the sight (Yawn) of black vinyl spinning on
