

Mary C. Warner

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South African Politician At Harvard

Robert Conway has spent the last nine months at Harvard studying the problem that the has confronted him his entire

Peretz Balances Politics and Academics

Martin H. Peretz, lecturer in Social Studies, likes his students so much that he hired two of them. They both

Walking the Tightrope

In Korea there is a joke about Kim Dae Jung. It says that as difficult as it is to save

Around the World in 25 Years

U ntil Harvard's Center for International Affairs was a decade old, the institute was known logically enough by the abbreviation

Labor Union Targets Medical Area

Despite having failed twice in the past six years, labor leaders have launched another drive to unionize workers at the

State Dept. Stalls Nicaraguan's Visa

A high-ranking Nicaraguan official is scheduled to visit Harvard next month, but the United States government may prevent him from

Little House in the Big Yard

When Derek C. Bok assumed the Harvard presidency in 1971, he took on all the traditional trappings except one--he chose

Shelters Survive With Little Support

Another community project aimed at helping Cambridge's homeless opened yesterday, as the Central Square Salvation Army unlocked the doors of

Barnard Adds Requirements Resembling Core Curriculum

The faculty of Barnard College in New York City voted to institute a new set of curriculum reforms which includes

'Stepping Into a Breach'

Even before 10 p.m. when the door to the basement shelter opens, the dark figures who sit on their large

Homeless Enter Church Near Houses

The University Lutheran Church opened its doors to the homeless of Harvard Square. Last night with the approval of Cambridge

Shelter Opens Without City Approval

A shelter for Cambridge's homeless population, to be staffed partly by Harvard students, will open today or tomorrow in the
