

J. M. Montgomery jr.

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Sophomores Class Notice.

The entire Sophomore class should be at the Field at 3.45 o'clock to cheer the team. It will be of

Sophomore Class Notice.

The entire Sophomore class should be at the field at 3.45 to cheer the class football team in the game

Sophomore Class Notice.

There will be a very important meeting of the Sophomore class in Lower Massachusetts this evening at 7 o'clock, to

Sophomore Class Notice.

There will be a very important meeting of the Sophomore class in Lower Massachusetts tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock to

Sophomore Football Notice.

All candidates for the Sophomore class team meet in Claverly 20, at 7 o'clock, this evening.

Freshman Class Notice.

All members of the Freshman class should be in the Square at 2.15 o'clock to cheer the Freshman crew before

Freshman Class Notices.

Unless $300 is raised by the class of 1906 by Friday, the Athletic Committee will not allow the Freshman crew

Subscriptions for Freshman Crew

It is necessary for the success of the Freshman crew that the men should go to New London on Saturday,

Freshman Class Notice.

All members of the Freshman class should assemble in front of University Hall at 11.20 o'clock to march to Sanders

Marching to 1906 Baseball Game.

Every man in the Freshman class should be in front of University Hall promptly at 2.15 o'clock this afternoon to

Freshman Class Notice.

All members of the Freshman class should assemble in front of University Hall tomorrow at 11.20 o'clock to march to

Freshman Class Smoker

There will be a smoker for the Freshman class in the Living Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock tonight.

Freshman Class Smoker.

There will be an informal reception and smoker of the Freshman class in the Living Room of the Union on

Freshman Class Smoker.

There will be an informal reception and smoker of the Freshman class in the Living Room of the Union on

Freshman Class Notice.

The Freshman baseball squad leaves the Square for New Haven this afternoon at 1.15 o'clock. It is essential that every
