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Question Authority

Experts on both sides of the Pacific have welcomed the liberalization of mainland China in the last decade. One Harvard

Choosing the Honorands

You wouldn't think honorary degrees would raise much of a controversy at Harvard. But this year, just like years past,

Another Type of Activism

While rejuvenated campus activism engulfed Harvard this year, the University was making its own headlines for activism in the nation's

Cutbacks in Federal Financial Aid Excised From Senate Budget Plan

After weeks of intensive lobbing, Harvard officials and higher education lobby is yesterday hailed as a major victory the elimination

Moynihan Kicks Off Godkin Lectures

More than a decade after leaving Harvard for the world of polities, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.N.Y.) enjoyed a warm

Reagan's Science Funding Cuts Called Illegal By Federal Agency

The Reagan Administration's latest attempt to cut National in stitutes of Health, (NIH) funding was dealt a serious plow last

Old(e) English(e)

I NSTRUCTOR OF ENGLISH Allison W. Phinney didn't quite know what to do Neither did Loeb Associate Professor of the

Local Colleges Oppose Immunization Bill

Representatives of several area colleges, including Harvard, will meet today with state lawmakers to voice concern over a proposed bill

Proposed Bill May Curb Harvard Renovation Plans

The University has reacted unfavorably to proposed legislation which might decrease its control of alterations to certain buildings by granting

Nobel Laureate and Others Continue Apartheid Sit-Ins

A Harvard Nobel Laureate and 11 others protesting South African apartheid yesterday occupied a Boston currency exchange office only one

Losing Sight of the Revolution

T He LAST WORK by the late English historian E.H. Carr; The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War represents the

No Butchery

T HE UNIVERSITY has formally recognized the practice of awarding credit for NROTC courses taken at MIT. The majority opinion

Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten Financial Aid

Advance warnings of President Reagan's budget proposal, which includes sharp cuts in student aid, have prompted strong lobbying efforts and

We Didn't Escape 1984

BEFORE WE all breathe easy over escaping 1984 without visits to latter-day Room 101's or the introduction of synthetic gin,

Iacocca Book Nets Big Gain For Harvard Diabetes Work

Chryster President Lee A. Iacocca has donated the profits from his bestselling autobiography to the Harvard-affilated Diabetes Center in Boston.
