

Joseph P. Lorenz

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The Deep Blue Sea

The Deep Blue Sea, which brings Margaret Sullavan back to the American stage after a semi-retirement of eight years, is

In Any Language

Boston's annual influx of second-rate drawing room comedies began Monday. The opener was a farcical sketch by Edmund Beloin and

Heartbreak House

Heartbreak House, Shaw carefully explains in his introduction to the play, "is cultured, leisured Europe before the war." To members

The Man in the White Suit

The Man in the White Suit, Universal's latest in its series of vehicles for Alec Guinness, is this time a

The Mikado

Gilbert and Sullivan has once more come to Cambridge, this time in a delightful production of the one sure-fire hit

To Be Continued

In his new comedy, To Be Continued, William Marchant has treated the moral structure of Western society in about as

Right You Are

Luigi Pirandello's Right You Are (If You Think You Are) is at first glance a grotesque mixture of Shaw and

The Grass Harp

Truman Capote's stage adaptation of his novel, The Grass Harp, is a curious fusion of poetic sensitivity and imperfect theatrical

Flight into Egypt

Flight into Egypt, novelist George Tabori's first play, is a tense, emotional drama of Viennese expatriates stranded in Cairo. It

The School for Scandal

A fellow named Allardyce Nicoll once said of Sheridan's School For Scandal: "Sometimes we are inclined to be surfeited with

Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo

The Ballet Russe, in town for its one week curtsey to the cultural center of the world, opened Monday with

The Playgoer

The Theatre Guild has brought into town for a two week stand what is generally considered Lillian Hellman's greatest play.

The Playgoer

"Gertie" is not, as the title might suggest, the latest in the interminable line of sugar-coated whimseys dealing with precocious

The Playgoer

"A Month of Sundays," a new musical based on a comedy by Victor Wolfson, has to do with the machinations

The Playgoer

The Brattle Theatre has taken a busman's holiday from its Shakespearean tragedy with two modern tours de force which provide
