

Nicholas F. B. smyth

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An Ethos of Greed?

If you’ve been to Starbucks lately, you may have noticed that they’re selling a new kind of bottled water called

Expand AmeriCorps

For the tens of thousands of students who depend on AmeriCorps’ average $4,724 grant to pay for college, it can


Requisite Reading in Hotel Drawers

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility,


What Is the Value of a Human Life?

Would you give up three pairs of pants to save a human life? How about that new stereo? What if


Marijuana Doesn’t Kill People (Guns Do)

Last Sunday, one of the networks aired the most insidious television advertisement yet presented by the White House’s Office of


Drinking, European Style

I met Hugo, from Sacramento, California, on the train from northern Spain to Madrid. Like me and other travelers from


America, the Arrogant?

MADRID—Strolling around Spain, it is not uncommon to overhear jokes like these: Q: How are a Whopper and the Twin


Making Third Parties Matter

One of the biggest problems with national elections in the U.S. is the unequal access that third party candidates have


Foreign Aid Is Not Optional

The current budget proposed by President George W. Bush has paltry aid for needy nations around the world. His parsimony
