

Christopher M. Loomis

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Activist Voices Latino Concerns

When the father of Maribel Hernandez ’04 tells his friends that his daughter goes to Harvard, they don’t believe him.

Senior To Sail Troubled Waters

Like many seniors entering the world of investment banking and consulting, Stephen P. Bosco ’03-’04 will wear a suit to

City Queries Harvard Over Shuttle Noise

Most communities pride themselves on well-lit streets and efficient public transportation, but Cantabrigians say Harvard has taken civic improvements too

City Confronts Lean Years

Massachusetts is facing fiscal crisis, a $2 billion crisis. But even as the state looks to balance its budget by

Romney Wins, GOP Takes Senate

In a night that saw Republicans across the country win resounding victories, GOP candidate W. Mitt Romney handily defeated Democratic

O’Brien, Romney Contest Enters Final Bitter Days

The final event of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics will be held in Massachusetts polling places Nov. 5.

Income Tax, Clean Elections Ride On Outcome of Ballot Initiatives

In the Cambridge area, Question 2 has dominated political debates about this fall’s ballot measures. But Massachusetts voters will also

Students Aid Campaigns

Jessica L. Diaz ’05 spent four months working for Robert B. Reich’s gubernatorial campaign this year. A veteran of the

Council Urges City Action On Crime

Amid growing concerns over street crime in Central, Harvard and Porter Squares, the Cambridge City Council last night took the

Lewis Plans To Eliminate Dean’s List

Following the cap set last spring on the number of honors awarded at graduation, the Faculty moved closer yesterday to

Project Finds Votes Remain Uncounted

Florida is not the only state that has trouble counting ballots, according to a report released yesterday by the Civil

IOP Poll Finds Tie in Mass. Governor’s Race

Gubernatorial candidates Shannon P. O’Brien and Mitt Romney are tied according to a recent poll released Friday by the Institute

Cambridge Looks for PILOT

City councillors in Cambridge are thrilled for their neighbors down the street in Watertown. Last week, city officials in Watertown

College Dems Campaign in N.H.

CONCORD, N.H.—One hundred bleary-eyed members of the Harvard College Democrats piled aboard three yellow school buses at 9 a.m. Saturday

Riverside Petitions To Block Harvard

Calling Harvard a “force of nature” which must be stopped, residents of Riverside submitted a stringent rezoning petition to the
