

David Villarreal

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Laundry Robberies Worry Leverett House Residents

Recent thefts from Leverett House laundry rooms have done more than rob some residents of their favorite pair of jeans—they

Dershowitz Editorial Draws Fire

An article that Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz wrote for a newspaper half-way around the world has sparked

Childrens’ Drawings Urge Peace in Palestine

Tucked in the far back of Holyoke Center hang 27 drawings created by Palestinian children depicting their thoughts on the

Social Held For Floaters

Resting in the comfy chairs of Ticknor Lounge, eating pizza and drinking soda, about 20 first-years who’d never met each


Renowned Critic Concludes Lectures on ‘Art of Teaching’

George Steiner, renowned writer, scholar and critic, gave his sixth and final lecture, titled “Unageing Intellect,” as the 2000-2001 Charles

AIDS Week To Raise Awareness

Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Awareness Week, which began Friday, is titled “AIDS: Our Crisis,” this year in an attempt


Panel Considers Anti-Gay Bias in Black Community

A panel discussion held yesterday in the Science Center tackled the issue of homophobia within the black community—at Harvard and

U.S. Attacks Draw Support of Students

U.S. attacks on Afghanistan have sparked a range of responses among the Harvard community. Many on Harvard’s campus have expressed
