

Ruth R. Wisse

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A Colleague's Concerns

Dear Skip, My first thought on hearing of your arrest was for your welfare, so I was relieved to learn

How Much Land is Enough?

Before you begin reading this, please have before you on screen, paper, or wall, a reliable full-scale map of the

Lack of Faculty Tolerance Bodes Ill For Students

To the editors: In your report on the March 7th meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) (“Tensions

A Dangerous Combination

My teacher at Columbia, the late Max Weinreich, took time off from his linguistic research during the Second World War


Flip-Flop Not About Free Speech

What is most pernicious about the English department’s decision to re-invite poet Tom Paulin to Harvard is its representing that


Standing Up For Israel

Bashing Israel has been a popular campus activity since the rise of student radicalism in the late 1960s, but during


Confronting Antisemitism

Even more important than the actions to be taken by the American government in response to the attack of September
