

Lucas L. Tate

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A Healthy Student Body

I know Thanksgiving has come and gone, but I can’t resist the chance to write about something we all should

Harvard State U. Slumming

Last Saturday I got another e-mail from the guys. Not such a bad deal, I thought. Nice to have

Bolivia is Burning

Bolivia is burning again, like it burned before, and the flames will not die soon. Their president, elected by a

Beer Bottles and America

I crossed under the interstate and steered my bicycle through the cold streets of South Boston last week for the

How to Fail Urban Schools

Patrick is a fourth-grader in inner-city Phoenix, Arizona. He sits across the table from his grandmotherly principal and gleefully stuffs

Grieving for a Team

Just outside of Tie Siding, Wyo., a one-ton pickup truck drifted across the center line of U.S. 287 and slammed

U.S. Prepares To Strike Back

The Pakistani government will send a delegation into neighboring Afghanistan today to demand that the Taliban surrender Osama bin Laden
