

F. MARK Muro

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Slouching toward him, at an angle --The thing about Robert DeNiro is this: the moment you look at him on

Descent Into Hell

F REE FALL in Crimson begins: We talked past midnight, sat in the deck chairs on the sundeck of the

An American Poppa

S OMEBODY OUGHT TO WRITE a great book about the Hearsts; an epic that has everything. The saga cries out

Port of Call

A S EVERY young art consumer worth knowing will tell you, there is no room for adventure in the modernist

To the Brazilian Beat

W ITH FAST, INTUITIVE brush strokes Carlos Diegues" Bye Bye Brazil captures the spirit of an entire subcontinent in the

The Land Remembers

F ROM THE BEGINNING Americans have been a bit ill at ease with the out-on-a-limb experiment in self-reliance. Restlessly searching

Stalking the Wild Sociopath

E VEN AMONG mass murderers, the case of Theodore Robert Bundy stands out, the most grimly fascinating of them all.

A Celluloid Magic Show

M OVIES IN AMERICA were once just cheap popular amusement--you'd put in a penny, turn the crank, and get your

A Predator in Prose

A T 19, when most kids are off at college discovering the pleasures of the mind and of the senses,

Passengers in Transit

T O READ The Transit of Venus is to leave the crazed nihilistic rush of the modern street and to

Under Control

C OLD STORAGE tells in brutal blacks, blues, and institutional grays the horror of the Farview Hospital for the Criminally

Pousette-Dart Band Might Give Benefit

The Pousette-Dart Band and Livingston Taylor tentatively will play a concert in April at Harvard's Bright Arena to benefit the

Bellamy Asks Women to Run For Seats at 1980 Conventions

Women should actively seek delegate slots for the 1980 presidential nominating conventions, Carol Bellamy, president of the New York City
