

Rachel K. Sobel

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Studying Studs Strip In Dudley Tradition

Residents of Dudley Co-op hosted their own version of the Primal Scream on Monday night--in the middle of Lamont Library.

Physician Discusses Soul's Place in Medicine

Dr. Jerome Groopman, Recanti professor of medicine, spoke about the intersection between science and the soul to a group of

Smoking at Harvard

Butter or margarine? Running or rest? Lifestyle choices in the 1990s are becoming increasingly complicated as conflicting studies about the

Teresa Fung Dispenses Nutritional Advice to Students

Most undergraduates have read her work. In fact, this woman is probably as widely-read here as Darwin, Marx and Plato.

Coping With RSI on Campus

Matthew S. Caywood '99, a computer science major, says that last year, he was able to work 10 hours straight

Epps Regrets Protest Decision

In an interview with The Crimson yesterday, Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III apologized for his change in position


As a kid growing up in Weekiwatchee, Florida, Paul E. Farmer says he knew he wanted to be a doctor.

Online Game May Be in Jeopardy!

The integrity of a new online game show may be in Jeopardy! The popular game show Jeopardy! launched a college

Scholarship Hopefuls Move Closer to Dream

Staying home all those Saturday nights may finally be paying off for dedicated students with eyes fixed on the prize-Marshall

Women Leaders Center Kicks Off

The world's first female head of state visited Harvard last night launching a new international organization of women leaders that
