

Betsy Nadas

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Exit the King

S OME PEOPLE came in today to ask for help in bailing King Collins out of jail. They explained about

Oh Lost and By the Wind Greaved, Cambridge, We're Back

T HE LONG lonely sound of the Long Island Railroad came aching down and down the track. Floral Park, Long

Winthrop at Home

T HERE IS a double homecoming at the Fogg. The Grenville L. Winthrop Retrospective is an exhibit of the Fogg's


O NE HOT DAY last summer I took an uptown bus to the Museum of Modern Art. Down in the

Roten Gallery

T HE FERDINAND ROTEN GALLERY on Dunster Street has the advantages and disadvantages of a high fashion boutique at Jordan

Daniels Collection

T HE FOGG EXHIBIT of "Drawings from the Daniels Collection" leaves an observer oddly disappointed. Many pieces in the selection

Art Shopping?

C AMBRIDGE is Artsy. Everybody knows. And Art is everywhere in Cambridge. Every little show on Mass. Ave. sports its

Painting in France 1900-1967

Y OU CAN HARDLY wait. They are decked out in their best, a bit high, very nostalgic. You have the

Salute to Times Past: The Lampoon lbis

W HAT tales of sleuth and intrigue, crime and espionage once lurked the quiet streets of Cambridge. Now forgotten, vestigially
