

Sim Johnston

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The New Conservatism

I N THE TWENTY years since Lionel Trilling made his famous comment that, as an intellectual tradition, American conservatism was

Crucifixion of American Catholicism

O SWALD SPENGLER ONCE SAID that a sure sign of the decline of the West would be its increasing preoccupation

Churchill: Now More Than Ever

I N HIS LATER YEARS, when Sir Winston was completing his Great Man Act by flashing V. signs to the

The American Hype Machine

T HE LITERARY MARKET place these days seems totally absorbed in the trappings of art rather than art itself. The

All My Sons

U ntil recently, at least, it has been men like Henry Ford and his dull-eyed descendants in the corporate board

Williams' Barroom Brooding

L ike most American playwrights, Tennessee Williams has built his career by exploiting certain characters and situations which he made


E arthlight is a rock and roll good time show that combines music, mime, movement, and a good deal of

The Right The Governor Misseth

434 pp. WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY is never boring, you can say that much. He has moxie, and no suspicion that

Theatre Rhinoceros at Quincy House, March 25, 26, 27

RHINOCEROS is the play that established Ionesco's international reputation, and it is still one of his best. It is the

Romanticism Harbors of the Moon

Little, Brown and Company. 472 pp. $7.95. MAN'S first landing on the moon made hardly a dent in the American

The Heartland The Real Majority

333 pp., $7.95 SELDOM has one book had so instant an impact on political affairs. The news media have pushed
