

Mona Sarfaty

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GSAS Registration Issue Two Radcliffe Child-Care Centers Will Serve Students, Employees

As many as four child-care centers may soon be open for pre-school children who have one or more parents associated

The Status of Women at Harvard-A Report

Whether or not merger between Harvard and Radcliffe occurs there is another question concerning women which Harvard must face. This

Army Base Blockade-Was it Successful?

After an initial sense of disappointment, most members of the Non-Violent Direct Action Group felt by Friday night that their

Peaceful Human Blockade Will Obstruct Army Base

Students from Harvard, Brandeis, and the University of Massachusetts will join residents of Newton, Concord, and Cambridge in a non-violent

Harvard Students to Hold Blockade of Military Base

A group of Harvard students will form a nonviolent "human blockade" at the Boston Army Base Friday morning. The demonstrators

35,000 Flock to Anti-War Rally

More than 35,000 people rallied at Soldiers' Field yesterday afternoon in support of the national student strike and to protest

Women Faculty Ask Study of Their Status

A group of Harvard's female faculty members have requested that Dean Dunlop appoint a faculty committee to examine the status

Peterson Tells Freshmen End of NROTC Program Will Not Affect Admission

Dr. Chase N. Peterson '52, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aids, said yesterday that he had sent letters to the

Fainsod Panel Will Allow Some Student Participation

Four students will act as consultants to the nine-member Fainsod Committee, appointed at the February 11 Faculty meeting to study

Soul Business--Roxbury's Unity Bank

L AST SPRING, shortly after the death of Rev. Martin Luther King, Donald E. Sneed, president of the new Unity
