

Michelle D. Tanenbaum

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City School Board Best in U.S.

Although Cambridge students score below the national average on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the city was chosen as having

Central Sq. Complex Gets OK

Cambridge last week decided not to give landmark status to a century-old Mass Ave building complex, including the last attempt

Atty. General Claims Energy Ads Mislead

The Massachusetts Attorney General, an opponent of the controversial Seabrook nuclear power plant, filed suit Friday against the Coalition for

Dukakis to Fight Nuclear Rule

Gov. Michael S. Dukakis will continue to fight an imminent Nuclear Regulatory Commission ruling that would allow nuclear power plants

City's Snow Budget Exhausted

For the first time in three years, Cambridge has exceeded its snow budget, but the city will continue to plow

Pat's Tow Not Booted By City

Cambridge recently decided to retain the contract of the its largest car towing company even though the owners face charges

House Votes To Stiffen Driving Law

The Massachusetts House last night unanimously approved a bill designed to increase the penalties on those who drive under the

An Alternative Theater Experience

It's 10 p.m. and all is silent outside Lowell House. From the Tower Room high above the courtyard, an actor's

Dukakis Signs Tax Cap Law

On Saturday, Governor Michael S. Dukakis signed a new tax cap bill which promises to cut taxes up to $250

City Approves Halfway House

Despite complaints from neighbors, the Cambridge Board of Zoning Appeal last week approved the conversion of a West Cambridge house

Faculty Housing Is Slated For Site of Library, Studio

Harvard's perpetual search for property to develop has led it to a former car dealership at 275 Concord Avenue, which

Dartmouth Protests

Although over 90 percent of the Dartmouth faculty signed a petition urging the university's complete divestment of South African-related stock,
