

Jocelyn L. Morin

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Harvard Theater

Written by Pam Gems Directed by Aline Brosh In the Leverett House Old Library Through Saturday D USA, FISH, Stas,

Shepard Cancels Workshop; Delays Script for ART Show

Famous American playwrights Sam Shepard and Joe Chaikin this week put their script writing calibration on hold and cancelled a

1000 Petition Against Graduation Date

More than 1000 students and professors have singed a petition urging the University to change the date of 1984's Commencement

There's 'No Exit' From Canaday B-12

Andre T. Dryansky '87, a native of Paris, says he arrived at Harvard expecting to find an ancient and noble

Harvard Biologist Wins Prestigious Science Award

A retired Harvard professor who this week won one of the world's most prestigious scientific awards says he will donate
