

Paull E. Hejinian

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Smart Enough To Be An Asshole

You Play the Black and the Red Comes Up by Eric Knight Black Lizard Books, 134 pages, $3.95 T HE

Counter Intelligence

"The Target Is Destroyed" By Seymour H. Hersch Random House; 282 pp.; $17.95 T HE DOWNING of KAL 007 has

A Deputy Gone Mad

The Killer Inside Me Jim Thompson Quill; 188 pages; $3.50. I T MIGHT BE a cliche of psychology to say

Key White House Aide Tenured at K-School

An economic policy specialist who left Harvard four years ago to advice President Reagan will return later this month as

Research And Reflection At The IOP

The Rev. Jesse Jackson may have lost his bid for the nation's highest office, but his closest advisers see his

On the Air And Under The Ground

Upon submitting his senior thesis in April 1943, an elated Harold F. Van Ummerson 44 ran down to the Harvard

Second Black Student Elected To Selective Porcellian Club

The exclusive Porcellian Club this week elected a Black member for the second time in the all-male final club's 193-year

Forum Crowd Boos While Republicans Party Above

The same thing kept happening over and over again at the Kennedy School of Government's Institute of Politics Forum last

Club Casablanca Employees Strike for Health Benefits

A small crowd of striking workers picketed the Brattle Street entrance to the Club Casablanca yesterday, pressing their demands for

Harvard Professors Speculate About India's Political Future

Harvard faculty and students yesterday expressed uncertainty about the impact of the assassination of Prime Minister Indira P.N. Gandhi on

WHRB Plans Fund Drive To Improve Signal Quality

WHRB is planning an approximately $20,000 fund raising drive to update facilities and extend its broadcast area. The drive is

Brown University Rejects Students' Suicide Pill Vote

By an almost two-to-one vote, Brown University undergraduates earlier this month approved a non-binding referendum asking the school's Health Services
