

Harold A. Mcdougall

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Black Poor and Black Power

For those who read the July 1966 N.Y. Times advertisement of the ad hoc National Council of Negro Churchmen entitled

AAAAS: Negro Students Test Liberalism

The campus organization now known as the Association of African and Afro - American Students (AAAS) is a product of

Negro Students' Challenge to Liberalism

The campus organization now known as the Association of African and Afro-American Students (AAAS) is a product of the uniquely

Bayard Rustin

After the much-publicized "Black Power" controversy, it is refreshing to see the subtleties of agreement, as well as disagreement among

Understanding Moynihan

It is fortunate that Daniel Moynihan has seen fit to re-define his position in the light of recent criticism; this

Floyd McKissick

In 1965, the Congress of Racial Equality chose as its convention theme "The Black Ghetto: An Awakening Giant." CORE was

Thoughts on the Summer

The coming summer in civil rights, North and South, has depressed me for a good while, starting perhaps a few
