

Hein Kim

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The Hubris of Reading

I T USED to be that one had two options as a literary scholar: write the life history of an

Far From Home

Incantation to Spring Performed by Binari At the Malkin Athletic Center April 19, 7:30 p.m. T HE PROBLEM with trying

No Votes, No Jobs

W HEN THE COLONIAL Meatpacking Company closed down its plants in Dorchester a month and a half ago, the Boston

Getting Their Act Together

A DMITTEDLY MR. AVEROF'S Greek belly dancer was more than you could stomach at three in the afternoon. And the

Women Around the World

Women: A World Report Edited by Debbie Taylor Oxford University Press; 376 pages. N IGERIAN-BORN AUTHOR Buchi Emecheta welcomed her

Not Just an Academic Question

T WO MYTHS COMMONLY surround the image of an undergraduate education at Harvard. One is that the most meaningful college

Reading Between The Signs

N EARLY 80 YEARS after the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure came upon his discovery that the sign, doublefaced by nature,

Greater Hilarity Provides Raucous Relief

As the Petticoat Junction soundtrack picks up steam, the lights go up on a barren set featuring a homey dinette

Porn a Cause for Expression, Not War

S OMEHOW, OUT OF the past weekend's flurry of verbal assaults, rude interruptions, angry personal statements, and emotional hyperbole, the

Woman Vs. Nature

From the moment one sees June (Lisa Eichhorn) the heroine of Wildrose, hacking away at a tree stump in the

You Can't Go Home Again

I T'S NOT SURPRISING that the characters in Anne Tyler's latest family portrait, The Accidental Tourist, suffer from "geographic dyslexia."

A Passage to Renaissance

A T A TIME WHEN East Asian Studies, sushi bars, and visas to China are becoming increasingly trendy items, there
