

Keith Butler

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Afro Cultural Center Opens New Headquarters

Hopeful speeches, thankful prayers, and inspirational gospel and spiritual songs were all a part of the celebration last night of

Alumni Unaware of Drop In Minority Applications

Four of five chairman of local Harvard schools and scholarship committees contacted yesterday said that they did not know that

Harvard's Black Admissions

I N 1968, just after Martin Luther King was assassinated, Harvard and other white universities agreed to make concerted efforts

The Man With the Fishing Poles

S OME PEOPLE HAVE lofty positions handed to them as part of their birthright. Others have to push aside barriers

Harvard's Black Admissions

I N 1968, just after Martin Luther King was assassinated, Harvard and other white universities agreed to make concerted efforts

Kilson and the New Black Elite

N OTHING has brought more unfavorable attention to black students at Harvard than Professor Martin Kilson's recent article "The Black
