

Ronald Y. Koo

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Looking To Get Ahead?

As summer vacation rapidly approaches, many students are foregoing shorts and sandals for pinstripe suits and loafers, recognizing that, unlike

House Crews Run on Spirit in Current Struggle to Stay Afloat

There are those who are early risers, those who are late sleepers and those who always seem to have drunk

Controversial Art Funds Discussed By Panelists

A panel of artists, professors and journalists discussed censorship and the arts last night in Harvard Hall as part of

Goldwater Scholars Announced

Seven Harvard students were among 316 undergraduates across the nation who were awarded Goldwater Scholarships for academic achievement in math,

IOP Elects New Members to Governing Body

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Institute of Politics elected eleven new members last Sunday in the organization's annual

Berry Feted At Rhythms

Actor and model Halle Berry entertained a lively soldout audience Saturday as guest of honor and host of the Harvard

Partial Solar Eclipse Shines in Clear Skies

With the good fortune of clear weather, undergraduates stopped for a few moments in front of the Science Center yesterday

HMC Convenes At Park Plaza Hotel

With each train arriving at the Arlington T station in downtown Boston, alternating waves of high school students clad in

Park Plaza Hosts Model Congress

Staff members were in a frenzy around a cluster of network computers, photocopiers buzzed with activity and a Tylenol dispenser
