

Garrett A. Price iii

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A Center Is Unnecessary

This is an argument about means and not about ends. One can sympathize with the goals that some hope a

For Nicholson, Better Late Than Never

J.J. "Jake" Gittes, the chain-smoking private detective made famous by Jack Nicholson in the 1974 classic China-town, is walking the

Spike's Mo' Commercial This Time

Spike Lee does Nike, GAP, and Levi's advertisments, has started a company to market merchandise based on his films and

Mafioso Brando Tramples Quirky Comedy

In the dark recesses of an Italian "social club" in lower Manhattan, Carmine Sabatini (Marlon Brando), an elderly mafioso, peers

What's Giant, Venezuelan, and Introduces Itself To You When You Open a California Coffin?

Arachnophobia has been billed by its distributor, Buena Vista Pictures, as "the first thrill-omedy," a novel combination, one supposes, of

`Top Gun' Revisited and Recycled

In a recent interview, Days of Thunder producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer (Flashdance, Beverly Hills Cop I and II,

It Isn't That Simple

C LEARLY, gender discrimination is the main issue surrounding the final clubs, and it should be taken seriously. But the

Democracy Is Not Impotency

W HEN asked why hostage-taking had become such a prominent tactic among Lebanese Shiite Muslims, one of their leaders, Sheik

Perpetuating Racism Through Affirmative Action

I F I were a racist, I could not conceive a more efficient manner, in the long run, of keeping

What Cost Constitutionality?

T HE Undergraduate Council's legitimacy was tested over the issue of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) at Harvard--and it

Blame Government

W HENEVER a university raises its tuitior, it sets off a furor among students who violently oppose paying even more

'Cliffies Second-Class

I N reviewing some of the events of particular interest to women which occurred during the last semester, I have

Harvard, to Thine Own Self Be True

T HE monolithic ship of state of Harvard University is lost at sea; it seems unable to stay its own

Teaching Mediocrity?

" R EMEMBER, however weak your own background, the students know even less...If a student is clearly not satisfied and
