

Betsy Gershun

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Court Ruling Does Not Affect Maternity Benefits at Harvard

Harvard will continue to allow women employees to collect sick pay during absences for pregnancy despite yesterday's Supreme Court ruling

Panelists Accuse Journalists Of Poor Campaign Coverage

Journalists must shed their "pretense of neutrality" and become more political in their reporting, Robert Scheer, the reporter who interviewed

Former Government Professor Benjamin Wright Dies in Texas

Benjamin F. Wright, who taught government at Harvard for 23 years, died Sunday at home in Texas at the age

Panel Urges Less Advertising On Children's T.V. Programs

Panelists at a national conference on children's television at the Graduate School of Education yesterday recommended more government involvement and

Panels View T.V.'s Effect On Children

Children's interpretation of television programs and general questions about school-age viewers will be the focus of today's closing session of

Vellucci Speaks

Harvard is too busy looking out for itself to support community activities in Cambridge, Alfred J. Vellucci, mayor of Cambridge,

Bombing Racism

A bomb threat interrupted the opening session of the third National Student Conference Against Racism held at Boston University last

Speakers Discuss Similarities of U.S., S. African Racism

Racism is "deeply ingrained in learning" in the United States today, Ephraim Isaacs, associate professor of Afro-American Studies, said last


Students concerned about the inaccessibility of most Harvard buildings to disabled students are organizing a group to deal with this

Vet School

A committee formed to study the feasibility of starting a New England school of veterinary medicine at Tufts University returned

Women's Group Solicits Funds For Law Suit Against Brown

A major drive began last month to finance research for a class action suit charging Brown University with sex discrimination

Bok Says Autonomy Hurts Harvard Medical Facilities

The "very great autonomy" of Harvard Medical School within the University has resulted in limited cooperation among medical teaching facilities,

Harvard Urban Experts Meet To Share Ideas With Mexico

Seven urban planning specialists from the Harvard faculty will present papers and share ideas in a conference on urban development


Judge Elwood S. McKenny '38, who said last week that he would sample cocaine before he hands down a ruling

Amnesty Leader Discusses Growth OfNational Group

Amnesty International members from the Boston area listened yesterday to the new national chairman discuss the role of the United
