

Lewis M. Steel

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Inhabitants in Claverly Hall Seek Reopening of Dust-Covered Pool

Claverly Hall residents, who are given only a room for their rent and a long walk for their food and

Debaters Contest Views Of Censors Proponent

The censorship views of Godfrey P. Schmidt, a lawyer who has represented Cardinal Spellman, were sharply challenged last night in

Student Council Approves Report To Reorganize Ticket Procedure

The Student Council last night passed a report which favored better undergraduate football tickets and quicker service. A proposal that

2 Professors Charged With Red Activities

Two Harvard professors and a handful of alumni were included in a group of intellectuals accused of being typical sponsors


The Gilbert and Sullivan Players last night performed Ruddigore as it should have been and more so--turning the production into

Greek Tragedy Returns to the Harvard Stage

Seventy-five years ago the University's Greek Department sponsored the first classical play given at Harvard, and the reviewers flocked to

Experimental Plans Will Provide Rooms for Commuters in Apley

A new experimental program will make available five resident suites in Apley Court for commuting students. The plan, which will

Shulman States Russia Stresses Co-Existence Policy Since 1949

Soviet Russia's foreign policy has been on the defensive since 1949-50, Marshall D. Shulman, associate director of the Russian Research


Considering the lone great player on the team, the varsity squash team's undefeated season is a tribute to Coach Jack

Part-Time Soldier Forgets Ivy Status

Army ROTC curriculum at the College has undergone major revision recently, but in reality there has been little change at

Senate Plans Local Hearing On Disarming

Members of the Faculty will testify before Senator Hubert H. Humphrey's Subcommittee on Disarmament when a proposed hearing is held

College ROTC Unit to Hold Camp At Ft. Devens Instead of Ft. Sill

The College's Army ROTC until will hold summer camp at Ft. Devens, Mass., instead of Ft. Sill, Okla., its previous


When Henry Lamar, Harvard's boxing coach and chairman of the Massachusetts Boxing Commission, introduced a resolution before the National Boxing

Improved Squash Players Possible Champions of US

When Coach Jack Barnaby scanned his list of varsity squash candidates in November, he knew he had one of the

Shapley, Mather Discredit Senate Subcommittee List

Two University professors yesterday denied that they have sponsored communist front organizations as charged by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee.
