

Allison L. Jernow

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Signs in the Dark

T HE HANDS OF THE SIGN INTERPRETER were somehow more captivating than the actual words spoken by the women on

Drugs And Chocolate

T HE CARD WAS SIGNED WITH A question mark, but Virginia Brieant found nothing suspicious about the Valentines' Day gift

Videocassette Recorders Invade Johnny Harvard's Suite

It used to be that students could get the items needed for college comfort fairly easily. A stereo was, of

Living and Filming On The Street

"Is it okay if I smell?" the Harvard senior asked his job interviewer over the phone, adding, "I haven't showered


They took to the streets last month. Tens of thousands of student demonstrators marched in cities from Beijing to Shanghai,

The Fine Arts of Calligraphy and Counterrevolution

Between the inner and outer stone walls of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China, stand the barracks that housed the

Getting Away From it All

Coming back to school was a culture shock. Everybody here is the same," says Kim B. Ladin '87-'88, who left

Harvard Magazine Personals: Finding Love in the Veritas

Let's face it, you may not find the love of your life in four years of college in Cambridge. After

Harvard Student by Day, Go-Go Dancer by Night

She wears a bright red wig, a tight, sequined bodice, and erotically gyrates behind glass bars. To the sweaty crowds

Working and Playing

In high school, many Harvard students found they could commit themselves to a variety of extracurricular reponsibilities and still hold

One Student's Senior Project Is AIDS Benefit

For one Harvard undergrad, six months of imagination and dedication to a dream have culminated in the Festival of Life--a

Artist Hockney Discusses Involving Self With Art

Los Angeles artist David Hockney told a crowd of several hundred in the Carpenter Center last night that the way

Harvard, MIT Scientists Find 3rd Black Hole

Harvard and MIT scientists have announced that they may have discovered a black hole, only the third so far identified.

Bonner to Visit Boston For Treatment of Heart

Yelena Bonner, wife of Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, confirmed yesterday that she has been granted permission to see medical treatment
