

Kenneth A. Katz

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"Liberating" History

W hen the emperor has no clothes, it's a problem. When no one seems to care, it's a fiasco. And

I Want Them

W illiam J. Stehley simply did not believe that I've never been arrested. He asked me four times in our

Paying Dues To See a Good Play

Creditors and Playing with Fire by Johan August Strindberg directed by Leo Cabranes-Grant at the Cabot House Underground Theater through


A Compromise For the Cambridge Common

I t's shaping up to be a battle between the councils, and the prize is the Cambridge Common. Cambridge's City

History Says Bush Can't Win

F or precedent-oriented pundits of presidential-election politics, the 1988 contest was supposed to be a joke. George Bush didn't stand

Unity from One Side

H e's a Jew. That was qualification enough, it seems, for Jack Nusan Porter to speak at the "Conversation on

UnCoop the Coop

S omething's rotten at the Coop. It goes far beyond the Coop's plethora of perennial problems, like unfriendly employees, mediocre

Hey, Frat Boys, Don't Touch My Sister

E VER SINCE my little sister Karen started her first year at Indiana University this fall, I've been a pretty

The New Justice

POTOMAC, MD L IKE SIMI VALLEY--the Los Angeles suburb where a jury acquitted the four police officers accused in the

Will Clinton Be America's Neil Kinnock?

O N THE Big issues, the Brits always seem to be a step ahead of us. They were the ones,

And Justice for Some

B ACK IN THE Middle Ages, justice was a pretty informal commodity. In between jousting bouts, feudal lords would hang

Burning Bush

F OUR YEARS ago, George Bush won the presidency despite himself. He won because his campaign brain trust--Lee Atwater, James

Safe at Home?

I SURVIVED Jerusalem. Unfortunately, that's how my mother and many of my friends and other family members in America translate

Revenge of the Ice People

O N WEDNESDAY night at Sanders Theatre, the University's most distinguished speaking venue, there was Black and there was white.

43 Years of Freedom

I SHOVELED TURKEY SHIT last summer. That is what happens on turkey farms, after all. You've got a lot of
