

Charlie Shepard

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Predictions, 1977: Standing With Pat

January President Bok refuses to accept the resignation of Senator-elect Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.-N.Y.), may-be professor of Government. In a


Liberals and "progressives" trying to reconcile themselves to Jimmy Carter should stay away from the July/August issue of the Columbia

Disney World in the High Sierra

E VEN JOYCE MAYNARD couldn't have chosen a better scenario. In 1969 the U.S. Forest Service announced its approval of

1-1-2 and Walden III

W HAT TAX REFORM is to the House Ways and Means Committee, housing reform is to the Harvard administration: an

Danse Macabre at the GSD

"Readers of the Report, especially faculty members most familiar with Design School affairs through the past five or six years,

The Soft Touch of Dean Rosovsky

L AST SPRING Harvard stumbled through a mini-crisis of authority: administrators and committee members slowed the pace of their work,

The Two Faces of Janos

C ELLIST JANOS STARKER plays with superlative technique: his fingers range the cello fingerboard unerringly while his bow arm sails

Beacon Hill Examines the Press

P OLITICIANS rarely marry reporters. This isn't too surprising when you look at the hostile relationship of the government and
