

Jay Cantor

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America Soledad Brother

The Prison Letters of George Jackson, Bantam Books, 250 pps., $1.50 "SKIN SEARCHED." To be "skin searched" is to be

..More of the Acid Trippers

the rules of the universe, and man is not the role or identity which society thrusts upon him. For when


SOCIAL REALISM was, to the theorists who propounded it, another advance in the accurate representation of life, another step towards

Politics of Ultimatum

I N PAINE HALL Thursday afternoon Dean Glimp addressed about two hundred and fifty students. Most of the students were

The Electric Kool' Aid Acid Test

A LOT OF ACID has flowed under the bridge since Ken Kesey dropped his first cap of Sandoz nine years

Mod Squad

"M OD SQUAD," which is being billed as a daring taste of the way things are Now among the young,


T HE MUSIC of the past, Bach, the Blues, Rock music, is the music of slaves. It reassures, it comforts,


J OHN UPDIKE'S new novel, Couples, describes a modern purgatory, a world from which God has withdrawn, a community without

Taming Tomatoes

L ITTLE warning flags are going up all over. Semaphoric signals of distress. In America the warning signs are being
