

Dennis B. Fitzgibbons

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The Season's Not Quite Over at Fenway

Rico Picardi would rather not be storing all the souvenirs so early this year, but none of the 20 people

They Took Two Years to Proselytize, But Now They're at Harvard Again

Sometime during exam period three years ago a fanfare interrupted an otherwise peaceful dinner in the Freshman Union. Weary Freshmen

Warriors Return for Rugged Season

Turo Russell slaps the ball down to the floor with his fingertips, and with a short skip starts the first

Area Tenants Fight Proposed Revisions In Rent Control

More than 100 representatives of area tenant groups, including Cambridge tenants, converged on the State House yesterday to protest a

Princeton Looking to Upset Crimson As Big Three Season Opens Today

The story goes something like this: Harvard and Princeton had pretty mediocre football teams in 1926, but that really didn't

Committee on Theater Recommends Against Establishing Drama Department at Harvard

The faculty committee on theater, in a report released this week, has recommended against establishing a department of drama or

Financial Aid Faces a New Snag

Financial aid is generally not one of Harvard's sore spots. Harvard's financial situation in the past has been solvent enough

University Receives Donation For Innovations in Teaching

Harvard has received a $300,000 gift for an endowed fund that will support the development of innovative programs is undergraduate

Crimson Nine Sweeps Pair From Lions

They may not be Koufax and Drysdale, but Harvard hurlers Don Driscoll and Mark Linehan limited a tame Columbia Lion

South House Food Poisoning Hospitalizes 4

More than 20 persons--four of whom were hospitalized--became ill yesterday, apparently as a result of food poisoning at South House

Reischauer Hospitalized By Stroke

Edwin O. Reischauer, University Professor and ambassador to Japan from 1961 to 1966, suffered a stroke Thursday afternoon at his

Council Votes to Change Control Over Task Force

The Cambridge City Council in a special meeting last night voted to place the Harvard Square Task Force under the

Vietnam Expert Sees Fighting As Effort to Halt U.S. Support

A co-director of the Indochina Resource Center in Berkeley, Calif., said yesterday that the current fighting in South Vietnam is

Walzer Urges Increased Role For United States in Mideast

Michael L. Walzer, professor of Government, said yesterday that if war in the Middle East is to be avoided, the
