

Alan S. Geismer jr.

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By-Laws Revision Passed In Coop Membership Vote

In a mail referendum the members of the Harvard Cooperative Society have overwhelmingly endorsed a series of by-law revisions proposed

Brass Tacks Coop Reform

LAST YEAR'S nearly successful coup at the Coop is beginning to yield results. Next month Coop members will have the

Brass Tacks Coop Reform

LAST YEAR'S nearly successful coup at the Coop is beginning to yield results. Next month Coop members will have the

Coop Will Issue Credit Cards Valid For New England Shops

The Harvard Coop will issue new credit cards to members which they can use at stores in the Square and

Coop Proposes Changes For Election Procedures

The Harvard Cooperative Society will give its members a chance to vote on by-law revisions designed to democratize the Coop's

The 'Coop Coup' A Year Later

LAST FALL a group of gadflies made things pretty hot for the management of the Harvard Cooperative Society. Although the

When Will the Coop Ever Change? Part II

(The following is the second of a two-part feature on policy changes at the Coop.) L AST FALL a group

When Will the Coop Ever Change?

(The following is the first of a two part feature on the Coop's investigation of structural changes in the election

Spokesmen Debate ROTC 'Views For 700 at Sanders Convocation

Over 700 friends and foes of ROTC turned out for a Faculty-sponsored convocation in Sanders Theatre yesterday and heard the

Coop Coup

T HE MANAGEMENT and directors of the Harvard Co-operative Society are scared. For the first time in the 86-year history

HPC to Study Role of Theses

The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee has appointed subcommittees to evaluate senior thesis requirements and to reassess the educational role of ROTC

Ad Hoc Slate Seeks Coop Quorum

A group of Harvard students concerned about the community role of the Harvard Co-operative Society plans to submit its own

Policy Committee Requests Watson Clarify Remarks

The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee drafted a short letter to Dean Watson yesterday, calling on him to explain his recent statements
