

Heather J. Haboush

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Consolidated Facebook Is Scuttled by Masters

The masters of Harvard houses have scuttled the idea of a consolidated house facebook of all upperclass students because the

Philippine Forum Sets Leadership Positions

Five members of the Philippine Forum won elections unanimously last night in uncontested races for leadership positions in the group.

Negotiation Workshop Ends

A workshop on negotiation techniques by a professor visiting the campus ended last night as a strategy session for students

AAA Members Dabate Goals

At an open "brainstorming session" about next year's agenda for the Asian-American Association (AAA) last night, AAA members debated the

Greenhouse Cafe To Close in Summer

Harvard Dining Services will take over management of the Science Center's Greenhouse Cafe next fall, according to Dining Service Director

Diplomats Discuss Central America

The future of democracy in Central America looks promising, said three top Central American diplomats in a panel discussion Saturday

Leverett Responds to Theft

Leverett House will make a massive overhaul of its lock system this week due to the theft of four master

CLUH Calls for Co-Ed Rooms

The College should allow students to form co-educational rooming groups, says a report released yesterday by the Civil Liberties Union

Scholar Addresses Inequality

Although women are in the work force now in record numbers, sex discrimination is still present in the workplace, a

City Schools Expect High Enrollment

The Cambridge school system is expecting a larger than average increase in enrollment next year, school officials said yesterday. Although

Senior Tutor Flug Resigns

Christine M. Flug stepped down as Winthrop House Senior Tutor last week in order to pursue work at a New
